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Trap Some Tourists

Lead Generation

For Hospitality Businesses

Your Content Team at Facets of Hospitality Business Marketing

What We Do

As Your Content Team @FacetsofHospitality, we spend a ton of time in cool places, staying in neat spaces, and visiting with beautiful faces. We desire to share those experiences with more people and therefore offer our CONTENT PACKAGE in conjunction with Your Marketing Team services to bring more traffic your way or trap more tourists, as we like to say as a joke... But this is a travel blog on steroids, because we are powered by a TV channel, Facets of Inspiration TV.

The decades of experience that we bring to the table is diverse. We understand the innkeeping perspective, the cleaning crew perspective, and the business owner perspective, and combine that with our expert marketing experience and @NerdInCharge professional tourist point of view, mixed with real search data... We can place your business front and center where it will inspire a vacation experience from someone who may never have heard of you before. New leads that are referred are the best!

Ad Share Program

We Spend Ad Dollars, Generate Traffic for Your Business Listings, Provide Social Media Shoutouts for $125/Month for 3-Month Increments


This program includes an UPGRADED business listing on our Facets of Vacation Blog that drives SEO traffic daily. 



New for 2024 is a featured listing section, as seen below. This opportunity is only available to CURRENT FacetHub Members


Are you a Facet and Want One of the Featured Spaces Below? 




Ad Space Available

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Sponsored Content

Your Ad Here, Our Ad Dollars = Traffic Your 

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Your Tourist Experience

Advertise Your Tourist Experience Here: Space Available Monthly starting January 2024

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Your Vacation Rental Here

Advertise Your Vacation Rental Here: Space Available Seasonally or Monthly starting January 2024

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Your Hilton Vacation


Corporate sponsorship: Your hotels featured here, changed monthly

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Your Restaurant Here

Advertise Your Restaurant Here: Space Available Annually or Seasonally starting January 2024

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Avis Rental Cars

TAKEN: Examples of Why Renting a Car is The Best Travel Option: Corporate Affiliate


Why Work With Your Content Team?

Our team becomes YOUR team. 

We focus on YOU. 

Your content for your vacation experience becomes personalized about what you have to offer to reach new leads that really dig what you do. 


We are the chosen team of many SEO agencies who manage ad campaigns and SEO for our clients because of our attention to trends, keywords, and target audiences. Our attraction marketing strategy for your hospitality business will help inspire vacations and send traffic your way. 

Showcase Your Experience on TV

We Sponsor a TRAVEL CHANNEL on Facets of Inspiration TV

You can buy airtime for commercials in increments of 30 seconds or 5 minutes. This is a great way to showcase a certain aspect of your hospitality business and reach not only our growing audience but anyone you share the dedicated link with. 

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